4001 Main Street Suite 300
Vancouver, WA 98663
Phone: (360) 695-3695
Fax: (360) 347-1446
4001 Main Street Suite 300
Vancouver, WA 98663
Phone: (360) 695-3695
Fax: (360) 347-1446
If you are married Most people do not live in the same home all their lives. Moving is difficult under the best of circumstances. And when you have children, it becomes even more difficult. If you share custody of a…
Many couples have durable powers of attorney drafted during their marriage and name their spouse as their attorney-in-fact. Unfortunately, relationships often end. And, so, the question arises: is your spouse still your attorney-in-fact after the relationship ends? The answer is,…
During the COVID-19 pandemic, life is not entirely put on hold. That means children will continue to play, get into accidents, and come down with ordinary illnesses. With significant concern surrounding the spread of COVID-19, it is reasonable for a…
A question that has arisen with more frequency during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, is how parents whose visits are required to be supervised, can follow their parenting plans and exercise their court ordered visits. This is an excellent question. And…
One of the many questions that has come to our office in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, is how it is being dealt with in Washington State parenting plans. Specifically, do parents follow the school schedule or a holiday/summer…
As a family law practitioner in Clark County, Washington, I have been asked this question many times in the past couple of weeks: Do I have to follow my parenting plan (or other court order) with the coronavirus threat? And…
Most people do not live in the same home all their lives. Moving is difficult under the best of circumstances. And when you have children, it becomes even more difficult. If you share custody of a child or children, then…
The holidays are stressful. Period. And if you are dealing with scheduling issues for your children, they are even more so. If you have a parenting plan in Washington state, you’ll notice there is a section devoted to the residential…